Thursday, 13 December 2007

all gone!

Sorry! The coloured wax has all now gone to good homes. If you wanna check out Atomic wax, go to Hot Funky Boards and tell 'em SurfGirl sent you.

Great surf today at a semi-secret spot near Newquay! Love it.

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The pink wax has been taken, but there's still one each of orange, blue and green left… email me if you want it!

Hope you're getting some waves in the sweet run of swell we're having! We've sent Kathleen Spears and Candice O'Donnell off to get some waves this morning, and the boys are having fun doing tow-ats with their skis. Boys and their toys!

Update: blue's gone too!


Tuesday, 4 December 2007


I hope Lush don't mind me using their image here - how lush is this board!!! It's the Samba. I'd be samba'ing if I got one of these for Christmas! The office Carveboard disappeared and my old Gravity scares me since I took my knees to the bone on Hell's Mouth hill.

We can all wish, can't we!


Monday, 3 December 2007

Xmas party!!

Even though it says 'Carve and ThreeSixty' party, it's the SurfGirl Xmas party as well! And tailor-made for those of you who love 80s themes - and who doesn't?! Come, it will be fun! Anyone who actually wears rollerboots gets a free drink. (I made that up, but if you're that brave I'll buy you one!)

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free wax!

We featured Atomic surf wax in the mag a while back. They sent us some cool samples including:

1 x pink block, cool water
1 x green block, cool water
1 x blue block, warm water
1 x orange block, cool water

If you or a mate has got a coloured board and would like one of these blocks, just email me kat at orcasurf dot co dot uk and I'll send it out. PS they smell lovely and coconutty!

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