Alexa in Bali

Alexa Poppe from Cornwall has a lovely piece about Bali (and how it's not just for experts!) on the Drift website. And make sure you click on the link to the free eBook at the end. Take a squizz
Beautiful France and its beautiful naked people. Everyday we walked a couple km's to enjoy the quiet and tranquilty of Les Landes beaches. The Surf in France was either small or double over head plus, we loved it all and got to explore some of the points south of Barritz too. We deceided to check into a campsite and have a shower, it felt amazing! My hubby joined the shinanigans and after my sister left we went back into Spain, just couldn't get enough of the diversity of set ups....that was however until we got done over......everything stolen.......van smashed up, it is just lucky that the man in my life loves a bit of wood work. All was not lost the passports and boards remained, so the trip carried on. We however didn't really feel that safe anymore freecamping with a broken lock and a baby onboard, so we spent the last few days hanging out in a quiet French campsite, playing boules, ping pong and swimming at piscine municiple. The trip ended in Brittany with a surf on the last day at La Torche in the sunshine. It felt like we were home a day early hanging out in Godrevy carpark, except no one understood my greeting of 'alright?!'