For everyone who wants to go see G Love and prove they're a major fan…we love 'em.
"We have a fun new contest for everyone to enter. Prove to us that you are the ultimate G. Love fan! Either make a YouTube video or put together a Slide show picture gallery to prove you are the #1 fan in the world. How do you do this? You can take pictures to show us your G. Love ticket stubs, posters, CD's, t-shirts, pictures meeting the band, and other G. Love memorabilia. If you are making a YouTube video, tell us why you love G. Love so much, how many shows you have seen, take us on a tour of your G. Love-filled room, and tell us about your favorite show experiences or any other crazy G. Love stories!
The winner will have their YouTube video or slide show featured on the G. Love Special Sauce Myspace Page, 2 free tickets to the show of your choice and you will also get an autographed Harmonica from Garret!
The second place winner will get 2 free tickets to the next G. Love show of your choice and an autographed harmonica.
The third place winner will get an autographed harmonica and a personally signed poster!
Please send your entries to: glovecontest@gmail.com no later than Friday, June 8th and we will pick the winner the following week."
Labels: music, surf